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Massage Therapy by Ciree
Inside Elite Massage
New Prices Below!!
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Call/text Ciree at (509)218-3124
Continuing Education for Massage Therapists
Please visit for upcoming classes.

Medicine Cabinet Makeover Class
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
Take control of your health!
We all wish we could play a more active role in our families health. It's possible with Essential Oils! Set up a free Medicine Cabinet Makeover group or individual class and learn how to relieve a number of physical and emotional ailments with the power of natural medicine. Visit Nourish Success here to learn more about the best available Essential Oils for health, or contact me below.
Contact to be added to the list for upcoming classes or schedule a 1:1 at a time and place that works for you to learn more.
Go to Nourish Success to learn more.
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